Phoenix Collegiate


Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm; safe from bullying; safe from people who could abuse; safe from discrimination or harassment - and that we all feel safe in our environment.

At Phoenix, safeguarding is given the top priority and we recognise that this is the responsibility of everyone, and all adults have an important role to play.

We are committed to multi-agency working, in order to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of the students at The Phoenix Collegiate.

All staff at Phoenix have accessed regular safeguarding training, including any new recruitments to the school as part of the induction process.  All staff, governors, students and volunteers undertake an enhanced DBS check and staff DBS details are kept in a Single Central Record in school.

All adults (staff and visitors) in school are required to wear a Phoenix Collegiate Identification Badge, and all visitors must sign in at the school office, where they will be required to read a copy of the visitor code of conduct.

Key Staff

Keeping Our Children Safe Online

Children need to be aware that they could be committing criminal offences if they post or share anything online that is hateful, harmful, threatening, misogynistic or grossly offensive.  This includes messages, images and voice notes using mobile phones or other electronic devices such as PCs, laptops, tablets and online gaming chat functions.  They would also commit criminal offences if they conduct themselves in such a manner face-to-face.

It is important that parents / carers know and understand that they too have a responsibility to communicate with those in their care, on a regular basis, about keeping safe online and engaging positively with social media.  Regularly talking to their children about safe and appropriate online engagement, and encouraging their children to discuss anything concerning they may see, is key to keeping children safe.  Children and young people should be encouraged to speak up and let a trusted adult know if they encounter content online or social media that they feel is inappropriate, or just doesn’t feel right.

Some useful links have been included for further advice and information.

Reporting Concerns:



We believe that it is important to make children and young people aware of behaviour towards them that is not acceptable, and our PSHE and curriculum supports children in recognising when their personal safety is being compromised.  The school also signposts access to support for students, by displaying contact telephone numbers within their planners.

Worried?  Need to Talk?

Operation Encompass

Operation_Encompass_PosterWe are an Operation Encompass School, which means that we have close links with the police to enable us to support our students.

Operation Encompass Safeguarding Statement

Our school is part of Operation Encompass.

Operation Encompass is a national police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Violence and Abuse, and which is in place in every police force in England and Wales.

Children were recognised as victims of Domestic Abuse in their own right in the 2021 Domestic Abuse Act.

Operation Encompass means that the police will share information with our school about all police attended Domestic Abuse incidents which involve any of our children prior to the start of the next school day.

Please click the link below to view the Operation Encompass national scheme.

Operation Encompass National Scheme

Skips Safety Net

Please see the attached guide, with links for parents / carers, on how they can help to keep their children safe online, from Skips Safety Net.

Parents guide to help keep children safe online

NSPCC Learning - Childline today

Please see the attached resource below for Childline, and how they support children and young people.



Concerned about a child - leaflet

Please see below information shared on behalf of Sandwell Community Safety Partnership. A leaflet developed as a first point of reference for parents/carers worried about a child's involvement in anti-social behaviour/low-level crime or who is at risk of exploitation.

Concerned about a child leaflet